The department now has fully implemented
the computerization project up to District
Level Offices.
Developed software and database is hosted
on 128 Kbps lease line (at Trimax IT Infrastructure & Services LTD.) and available for feeding of actual
data from 16st Aug, 2010 onwards from district
offices and at manufacturing units.
Most of District excise offices and Head
office is equipped with ISDN (for internet
through VSNL) facility. Whereas ISDN line
is not available, internet connection through
Dial-up connection is available.
All the District Excise Offices are equipped
with at least one computer system which includes
printer, modem, UPS etc.
All the manufacturing units (Distilleries,
Breweries / Bonded Warehouse), Liquor W/S
from where transport permit or bill issued
are also equipped with computer system and
internet facility.
On line data is being generated throughout
the state and being updated regularly as
per requirement.