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COUNTRY Liquor - Sri Ganga Nagar Sugar Mill (Details)
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The Rajasthan State Ganganagar Mills Ltd. (RSGSM) is a Rajasthan State Undertaking, registered as a Company under the Companies Act of India, 1956.

Company's affairs are managed by the Board of Directors consisting of 7 Directors including a Director Incharge appointed by the State Government and other Directors which have been nominated by the State Government.

The major objectives of the Company are:

  •  Production of sugar in Sugar Factory which is located in Ganga Nagar having the capacity of 1000 tones cane and 600 tons of beet per day. The factory is the only the Beet diffusion Plant in India

  •  Production of Rectified Spirit in Distillery, Ganganagar

  •  Sole manufacturer of the country Liquor in State

  •  Production of India made Foreign Liquor in Distillery

  •  Retail Sale of Country Liquor in Tribal Areas

In order to achieve these objectives, Rajasthan State Ganganagar Mills Ltd. has established 8 Units at following places:

1. Ajmer
2. Jaipur
3. Jodhpur
4. Kota
5. Sriganganagar
6. Udaipur
7. Dholpur


In each unit except Dholpur, there are several Reduction Centers and Each Reduction Center has several Warehouses (Jaipur Center has one beer shop also) for ease of distribution of the Liquor.

The Details of the various Reduction Centers is as given below:

UNIT NAME Reduction Centers
Jaipur Alwar, Bharatpur, Jaipur West, Sawai Madhupur, Sikar, Udaipur, Wati
Ajmer Ajmer, Bhilwara
Jodhpur Jawai Bandh, Mandora, Rani
Sriganganagar Bikaner, Ganganagar
Udaipur ChittorGarh, Udaipur
With the provision for limited participation of private sector in Country Liquor trade Government proposes modernization of GSM to make it more competitive and to produce quality products.

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