Bhang is
not produced in Rajasthan. it is
sourced by the Department from the
licensed wholesalers of producing
States like Punjab, UP, Bihar and
West Bengal. The main source in
recent years has been Hoshiarpur
and Gurdaspur districts of Punjab.
Procurement of Bhang at the level
of the Department has been dispensed
off and retail Bhang Contractors
would be allowed to import Bhang
directly for which they have to
obtain a wholesale License which
shall be granted on a payment
of License Fee of Rs 10,000/-
After procuring bhang from the
wholesalers of Punjab, the same
is stored in Departmental warehouses
from where it is issued to retail
licensees at the issue price fixed
by the Government (at present
this is Rs. 42 per Kg.).
Amounts taken and other formalities
to be completed at the time of
commencement of operation of licenses